Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Feeling a little bit...


Had another long day in the office, and fortunately, there was another poor soul stuck in the office as well (or unfortunately for both of us staying way past the official working hours, depending on how you look at it).

So when I finally called it a day, the poor soul decided that she didn't want to left all alone in the office and we decided to go grab some dinner together. We ended up at one of my usual haunts around Pasir Panjang Village. Too bad both of us drove, otherwise we might have ordered some alcoholic brew to kill away some of the office blues, with it being such a nice breezy night and stuff.

Which we attributed (the office blues, not the breezy night) to some of the urgh stuff we encountered for this looonnng week (I know, it's only Tuesday, but both of us felt that it had been a realllyyyy looooonnnng week despite that).

Which I then defined as inspiration-killers. Sometimes, you can wish for that someone who can inspire you in your job, though these are hard to come by, and few by far. But when none is in the horizon, at least let's not try to dampen the fire of wanting to do a good job.

Even as the fellow lost soul shared her grouses, the motto that Col Bruce Niven drilled into us during leadership training kept popping up in my mind- "Leaders make things happen". I could use a bit of that fire whenever I hear that line then. Got to revisit the motto and find that spark again.

P/S - Just this month itself, I had the same question asked to me 5 times. I wonder why.

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