Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Slava's Snow Show

Was intrigued by the review on Slava's Snow Show and managed to grab a friend to catch it during its short run here. 

What a visual theatrical feast! Each scene was so dream-like, and the colours and music! Was a bit let down by the antics though, cos both me and the friend couldn't really get the plot, but obviously that didn't stop the kids in the theatre from laughing out loud. I wonder if that's cos we are already pass the age of innocence to grasp the joy of laughing at the simplest things.

The last part saw the adults having equally, if not more fun than the kids, when the giant balls rolled out from the stage. I saw one man in his 50s literally ran from the side of the theatre to the centre twice just to have a push at the giant balls, and boy, did he look happy! 

(best possible pics I could have tried taking using my 3GS. I tried to take a vid but it wasn't captured properly! Darn!)

Nonetheless, there was indeed something magical at that moment. Talk about just having a few giant balls bouncing around the theatre, everybody, kids and adult alike, was thrilled, laughing and grinning, and truly enjoying themselves. Perhaps there was a time when to us, the rubber balls that we played with were that big in our universe then, and we were brought back to that time momentarily when we know nothing yet but joy.


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