Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost to the end of 2011

I cant believe it's two more weeks to the end of 2011. This year passes exceptionally fast, in mine and a couple of friends' opinion. If one subscribes to the theology of moving and storing time, this could just be the case to compensate times when one sees the time passes so slowly during boring meetings/lectures/conference.

By all counts, I should be sleeping now. I wish I could, but the last week was crazily packed and I could possibly only update some stuff on my Ipad so that I can take it as done, and focus on other stuff tomorrow. Not sure why, but work accelerated to a breakneck speed since mid Oct, like it was charging towards the finishing line with a vengeance (and me scarcely able to catch my breath).

But thank goodness for the 2 gatherings on Sat night and Sun afternoon. Those were good breaks, thanks to the laughters and gossips.

Esp the gathering on Sun afternnon with the hockey team. Just before that, I found this in between the semi-spring cleaning:-

Cap that was part of the sponsored apparel for the 1999 SEA Games team. Off-coloured, bleached from the sun and repeated washes after the many trainings under hot morning and afternoon suns.

12 years on...Had a sense of grounded-ness after the gathering that at least some things probably hadn't change much. The holiday mood started seeping in; until I had to switch on the laptop and finish up that last bit of work....

Off from tomorrow onwards, not sure if I can get wifi, but possibly will try to squeeze in another post on the last day of the year.

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