Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Rob Crowe Situation

One moment I was in dire state for want of something to read.

The next moment I have 6 books and 1 half inch stack of documents to bulldoze through by next Monday.

But one thing cool that came with one of the books that I mooched from (coolest thing ever for book junkies) was a CD. When I opened the package ("This guy's really generous - UPS express??") the CD dropped out with a cool caricatured namecard taped across. When I opened the sleeve, I found this non-descript looking CD. be on the safe side I went to google on "Rob Crowe Situation" before I pop the CD into the laptop just in case the CD crashes laptop with some virus (you can't be too sure! My mother taught me never to just take things from strangers :p) and found them on myspace. Ok, so it is a genuine band who are selling their songs on ITunes as well. And I am getting a free CD with 20 tracks :D Though it's something that was different from what I usually listen to, but they remind me of Everything But The Girl..something good for some laid back moments and not too jarring.

Only thing is..the tracks doesn't come with any track names. So even if I tell you that this is this really nice track 10, I don't really think think I can feature it somehow, though Rob Crowe Situation is on myspace and ITune too (when are they ever going to have ITunes in SG??)

Popped the CD into the laptop and dropped an acknowledgement receipt of the book on bookmooch to the moochee, and of course thanked him for the CD :))

I wonder if I should go see the band perform when I go to NYC...

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