Saturday, January 3, 2015

It's the New Year!!

Sometimes I feel like a drop of water

In this vast ocean of 
infinite opportunities
mixed with cosmic abundance
of love and grace

that I am just a tiny little drop
as with any other,
creating little ripples
as I rejoin this ocean

to form as a whole
and there is no difference 
between the ocean
and me.


I haven't been here for a long long while, mainly with school, but also, I guess with the journaling offline and constant sharing of thoughts with someone else, there are lesser needs to pour out my thoughts here as another avenue.

However, it's a brand new year, and I should give this page some love, it being somewhat the chronicles of my thoughts for the last few years.

2014 was a year quite different from the others. A break from work, thrown into a different environment called school, which is going to be till end of 2015. If you ask me in before 2014, I wouldn't have thought this to be even on my agenda. Weird how fate sets you on such a different path.

With that, I wouldn't know what 2015 has in hold for me. Maybe it's not mine to know. Which coincidentally coincided (I can't help this) with something I read from Haruki Murakami:-.

"A person's destiny is something you look back at afterwards, not something to be known in advance." ~ The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1997)  

And about staying present in the now, from timely remind from Eckhart Tolle ( something that I learn and relearn every now and then, it's time not to be a shadow anymore).

I guess for me, the big homework from now starting, is to stay in the present, learn to accept and surrender to the unfolding of limitless opportunities in the next moment.


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