Monday, May 13, 2013

My Rejuvenation Week

When I first signed up for the Cleansing Detox Retreat at The Yoga Barn, it was purely out of impulse and gut feel.

The last 6 months have been horridly tiring to say the least, with the conference to help run, followed by jumping into the deep end of the pool for the Licence renewal project. Not to mention the emotional gunk that came along with work - the ego clashes, the doubts and question that came up everyday "what am I doing?". I know I would rather be somewhere else but the (I call it) sense of accountability kicked in, knowing that I have to, and I will deliver the results at the end of the day. And delivered I did. To some acclaim and pats on the shoulder. But I was left emotionally and physically drained like a piece of rag, tattered and limp.

Not to mention, looking back at the roller coaster ride experience in the last 10 years, I know people say never to carry baggages. But much as I wanted to, I am not sure how not to remember. "Just move on" some will say. I would like very much to say that I had but even then I am not sure.

Back to the retreat.

I love Bali and this is a place that i really don't mind coming again and again.The trip to Bali that was planned initially only covered the weekend to eat and play in Bali. I wasn't
really sure if I wanted to do that - I know I would rather read and rest, but I needed to get away anyway. So I planned to take leave the week after and then see what I wanted to do. That was when I saw the emailer for the cleansing detox retreat. The dates were a perfect match, the price was much cheaper than the rest that I saw (even though my friends still gagged at the price), and so I did it. Somehow I think I know I needed it.

The last 4 days have been fun, with good food, enough red wine to go around, and interesting places checked out (I love seminyak and potato head and Nuri's!!). But inside, I was really waiting for the moment to sit still, read and be quiet for a minute. Not only this, I just started something like a relationship over the weekend (gosh it's a long story, I'm keeping my fingers crossed at every turn) and the last few days the heart or head had been wringing itself with worry. By Sunday, I was so looking forward for some internal housekeeping and perhaps tune in a little better to what I want.

So sent the friends off to the airport, said a little prayer and one hour later, i checked in to the place where i am going to stay for the next 7 days. walked around a little, found a nice organic place called Kafe and read the ebook Anne (the facilitator) sent, page to page, at Kafe, eating my last proper meal, before I start to fast for the next 7 days

And I hope to find that light at the end of that tunnel, by the end of this short 7 days journey :)

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