Friday, May 17, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 5 - Looking at What We Put Inside Us

Felt kind of spacey after the yoga today (and mantra meditation to open the throat chakra), but the massage during the 2 hour break perked me up and I was on a natural high for the rest of the day.

Today's liver flush day.. 2 servings of Epsom salt in water (oh how vile!) to get the gallstones to be flushed out. Followed by two documentary movies:-

Hungry For Change, that talks about how most of the problems in modern day society comes from what we eat. Personally, I think big american cities has become so dysfunctional in their eating habits, and the problem that Asian countries faced is that we are trying to emulate them. Look at the proliferation of food stuff such as cheese, cereals, snacks, sodas, health food at the supermarkets nowadays that are processed, preserved etc. Most times, we pick up food that we think are healthy, but more often than not, that's because we are "told" that they are healthy, but are they really? After watching the documentary, I'm not so sure any more.

May I Be Frank, about how one's life can be transformed with cleaning what is inside in body and mind, and the food you put in. We are what we eat, and at a certain level, that includes the thought that we generate. I wonder how much toxic thoughts actually comes from the food that we eat everyday.

Then the finale of the liver flush drink - OJ, garlic and virgin coconut oil. Basically the VCO to activate the gallbladder to deliver the bile (and hopefully any gallstones that are lodged inside the gallbladder), garlic to kill the nasty stuff inside the intestines. The OJ was just something nice to delivery the main activators in. Laid out for half an hour to wait for the necessary stuff to take place, and sent home with specific instructions to stay in bed and rest.

And gosh! Now I know why. Massive headache kicked in one hour later when I went out 5 mins to collect laundry from the laundromat (5,000rp for 3 pieces of clothings that were done within one day! That is like what... 70cents?). I barely made it back with the swooning headache, , nausea and general yuckiness came.

And so I am in bed by 8pm. Feels like going to be a long night.

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