Sunday, July 22, 2012


Annie The Musical

Talk about optimism - the sun'll come out tomorrow, and its only a day away!


在机缘巧合之下, 和三闺密一同看了郭宝“老九”。 原著是一出话剧,但实践剧场为了郭宝崑节而改编成一出音乐剧。每一首的歌的曲和词都娓娓动听,一看写曲和写词是被和多歌手要歌的黄韵仁和小寒,也难怪。

我倒觉得,最呛戏的,是陈建彬和林继修(Lim Kay Siu!) 在第二段的对唱, 和将近尾声的木偶和皮影戏。舞台历练多,一举一动,一唱一和,感觉轻轻地,不经意地就带出来了, 让人听出耳流。多变和精彩的木偶和皮影戏,视觉效果让人眼前一亮。那我和闺密都一致认同,声线最动听的是饰演 ”大马“ 的演员(忘了什么名字)- 宏亮不失磁性。



总的来说,”老九“是好看的。接下来,和闺密约好看 “暴雨将至 - 傻姑娘与怪老树”“灵戏”, 支持支持本土的剧场!


Batman The Dark Knight Rises

Best Batman movie IMO!! I never was a Batman fan, I didn't even watch the Dark Knight (which gave the world a lot of copycats Jokers during many Halloweens thereafter) until like maybe this year. But while most of the Batman movies will make you feel that it's more Gotham-like and surreal, this piece had a realist take, and and plot was masterful (even though it's kinda predictable but the twist came so unexpected that I didn't see it coming). 

Sometimes you also feel that the actors are wrongly chosen for the characters (like I can't imagine how they can choose michelle pfieffer to be the Catwoman), but I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anne Hathaway nailed both characters to a T. 

Totally deserve the 5 stars I saw in some reviews.


All 3 in the same week! This must be my lucky week....

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