Friday, August 9, 2013

Angkor Wat

Why when it was one of the Unesco listed heritage site within a few hours from Singapore, that I waited so long to see it? 

Alas, I had a nagging feeling that it could be a little bit too late. Pub Street was a clear sign that the tourist influence had totally infiltrated, with the proliferation of restaurants that came with wifi, locals touting souvenirs speaking in mandarin asking you to buy their goods, and many roadside shops offering cheap foot and body massage. Overall, it feels like another Phuket. AlThough I can't say that I don't appreciate the convenience and the simple luxury of the possibilities of having foot massage everyday, it feels a bit sad to see another town converted to another way of life to. 

A few things never change though. 

Looking at the ruins which were originally glorious temples in their own rights, I wonder if the kings then would have known that what they had worked so hard to build, upon the blood and sweat of their people, would ever reduced to a half day highlight tour. (Angkor thom and Angkor Wat was flooded with tourists, despite it not being the tourist high season. Though not all, most Korean and Japanese tourists by the bus load, while the Caucasians usually come in pairs or groups of threes and fours, often with only their guide books in hand.) Khmer was a glorious and strong empire when the powerful kings were reigning, following the downturn where other empires rose and took over its prominence in history. Again, it's amazing how the priests (cum architects as explained by the guide) managed this architectural feat during those primitive times, not to mention the intricate carvings along all the reliefs. The ingenuity of human always amazes. 

One thousand years ago, different kings fought wars over resources and religions. One thousand years later, humans are still fighting wars over resources and religions. Just that the weapon of choices were no longer arrows and on elephants. 

Such are the nature of human that transcend time. 

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