Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Work Year

Work was train-wreck crazy the last quarter of 2011, and turbulent with the turn of the year. But I got so tired of the craziness of it all; when I finally put my foot down and found some bearing, it was like walking into the eye of a storm - calm and quiet. I left work early, I wrapped up loose end on some work projects, and then it felt like a walk in the park for a good 2 weeks thereabout.

And then February came. It was so weird when work suddenly just avalanche on the 1st of Feb, that I wonder if there was some cosmic purge button that happened to have its outlet above my workstation.

Deep breathes. And start chewing off one bite after another (and hope not to get choked to death in the meantime).

Reminded myself that I have been slacking off the runs....

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