Sunday, July 31, 2011

Game of Thrones HBO Series

I have finished watching the whole 10 episodes of Game of Thrones! All thanks to the debilitating (yes, over-exaggerating but just want to whine!) throat infection and flu-ey symptoms that kept me in bed for the past 2-3 days.

I don't think it would ever come to a screen near us though..with all the show of boobs and sex and gore (You literally see a man piercing another's throat, with all the blood splattering and the final flow of blood bubbling till there is no more..urgh), I'm kinda of wondering what other stuff they show on the telly in the USA.

Though I know GRR Martin said that the show stayed true to the plot, I wonder if they should really extend the show to maybe full 20 episode. I would love to see how Lady Catelyn climb the treacherous Eyrie for example. But I'm already fascinated somewhat by how realistic the settings were portrayed (ok almost all except Dothraki which is on the eastern realm. Westerners will never get the Orients portrayed correctly). And even with 10 episodes, the portrayal of the characters were so compelling, that even though I knew what Ned Stark was going into since I finished the book, I still felt aghast when I saw that episode (not going to spoil it for you!). Also, not often that you see a dwarf taking center stage as one of the main characters - Tyrion Lannister as "The Imp" - smart, and politically incorrect. Though I think Peter Dinklage is too good looking for the real Imp, who is supposedly really grotesque.

Good, now halfway though the second book - A Clash of Kings. With this and another 3 more books to catch with the the latest in the series, I am seriously avoiding wikipedia entries on the series cos they really contain a lot of spoilers!

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