Friday, December 10, 2010

Travel Buddies..or not..

Sometimes, when you travel with someone, you know if you can be friends for life.

Was thinking much about nothing..when I recollected the time when I travelled with a friend, which led to me remembering travelling with THAT friend and another one.

1. Travelling with that the first friend

In this case, I seriously doubt that I can rely on that person if ever my life depends on it.

Gosh, it was tiring to be the one who makes all the arrangements, deciding the itinerary when it was supposed to be a 2 persons trip. Even for a non-important question like "Do I look better with long or short hair?" drew a non-commital answer.

At one certain point in the trip, it was crystal clear that if ever anything happens, I probably have to look out for myself, IN ADDITION to fending for that person.


2. Travelling with THAT friend and another

I realised that I will forever hate the word "Anything".

Where to go? "Anything"

What to eat? "Anything"

This one good? "Anything"

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother....

And thereafter, it start to dawn on me that there were always those little things, though there all along, but has started to irk me a bit..seems like these are fair weather friends who probably expect you to be there when they are down, but no where to be found when you needed some boost.


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