Thursday, July 22, 2010

Parody of The Parrot

Father and son walked hand in hand past a pet shop. At the entrance of the shop, a parrot was perched on a stand.

"Squawk!" went the parrot when the pair walked past.

"Daddy! A parrot!" The boy, fascinated by the bird's gay colours, backed up and stood in front of the bird still holding to his father's hand.

"Can you say hello?" said the boy.

"He-lo" the parrot replied in its high pitch voice that only a parrot can do.

He tried another line. "Can you say - how are you?"

"Haw a you"

The boy squealed in delight. "Ooooh! What other things can you say? "

The parrot, who must have thought it found an appreciative audience, started rattling off "Haw du you du? Ding Dong! Hap-py nu yar!"

"Ooohhh! Daddy Daddy! Isn't the parrot such a smart animal? I want to be as smart as a parrot!"

The father, who had been watching the exchange with amusement, said, "No son, you don't want to be like a parrot. It is only repeating what its owner had taught him and really doesn't have a mind of its own."

Says a lot about someone in the office..

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