Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sex and the City 2

Granted, it had been many years ago when the show first started. I only caught the whole series when my BFF got her hands on a box on the 6 seasons after a work trip in China (Authenticity? let's not go there. It's China)

I remember doing the marathon series of watching the whole box of DVDs back to back. And I regretted not ripping them out to watch them again. Also, other than the truly austere, I have never met any girl who do not love the series- with all the girly insecurities about situations, wardrobes (shoes!!!dresses!!!men!!!!) (ok the last one probably didn't fall under the same category as wardrobe).

Then SATC the Movie came. And I was anticipating if Carrie would eventually marry. And when she did, I was wondering what SATC 2 would have in store - what would be more dramatic than a marriage?? Carrie having a kid?

In the end SATC 2 felt more like probably another 4 episodes of SATC. Nothing too dramatic, and felt like it had provided an ending to the 6 seasons of SATC plus SATC the Movie 1 - everybody happily leading the lives they want.

Of course the 4 looked more aged since the series. I looked at Carrie's biceps and see Madonna's age-defying ones. Charlotte's face looked sunken, no longer the cherubic sweetness. Miranda eyes looked so weirdly heavy, and I wonder if Samantha was starting to look more matronly. For a while, I had the flash guilt pang thinking that perhaps they should have stopped at SATC 1 (what's with all the heavy eye makeups? However wears them at home like that??) while they still looked decently middle-aged rather than grasping at straws. But then..Gosh! I am falling for the Sweet-Young-Things-Hollywood trap (shame on me).

That got me thinking about the story of these 4 women through all these years. I guess everybody kinda of want to be Carrie - the interesting and glamourous one (I would kill to have her gold high heels) (ok maybe not. Her walk in wardrobe would probably be more worth the crime), but looking back, the one that I really like was Miranda, with her sense of practicality, independence, quirky humour and strength being a single mum (for a good part of the seasons), and yet suffers the same fate in relationships (should I? should I not?) It's a pity that SATC made her looked like some goofy brainiac. Urgh.

Anyway it was a feel-good chick flick. Female issues are somewhat quite universal - like when Mr. Big asked for 2 days breakaway every week, I think all the females in the theater were going.."uh oh.." (damn you female insecurities!) And it kinda felt good that the whole theatre of women were laughing unabashly at breast/gay/guy jokes.

Ah...maybe I should go watch the 6 seasons all over again (where they can still decently show their faces without the heavy makeups..)

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